TEKNOFEST Venture Program 4th Term Applications Started!

Questions every Business

We believe that it is inevitable for Turkey to carry out the National Technology Initiative in order to more loudly voice its arguments for a fairer world, strengthen its economy, and achieve independence in all fields.

As the T3 Entrepreneurship Center, we aim to help entrepreneurs with technology-driven, scalable business ideas to transform their project ideas into a sustainable model and commercial activity quickly, within the ideology of the National Technology Initiative.

Since 2018, the T3 Entrepreneurship Center has been organizing the TEKNOFEST Entrepreneurship Program specifically for university-level teams or team members who reach the finals in competitions held under the TEKNOFEST umbrella.

The TEKNOFEST Entrepreneurship Program, which was first implemented in 2022, has provided financial support totaling 9.6 Million TRY to 46 ventures over three periods.

In the 4th period of the program, participants are provided with a total of 11 different opportunities and resources, including entrepreneurship training, mentorship, office support, prototyping workshop support, investor and business collaboration meetings, and more. Startups that successfully complete the program will receive investment support of up to 800,000 TRY, convertible into equity, based on predetermined criteria.

Program Process

1. Application

Applications are received through the T3 Corporate Management System (T3KYS) on the application dates.

2. Pre Evaluation

This stage is carried out on the basis of the information declared by the enterprises in the application form.

3. Startup Presentation

Startups identified as eligible for the program as a result of the pre-evaluation are invited to make an online presentation. In the second stage, the presentations are listened to and evaluated by the Venture Center Evaluation Board.

4. Program Initiation

Startups selected for the program officially start the program after signing the TEKNOFEST Startup Program Agreement.

5. Entrepreneurship Trainings

Startups that qualify for the program start the boot camp with expert trainers and mentors. Trainings are meticulously conducted and participants are offered a rich learning experience.

6. Tracking Process

The process is supported by mentor meetings and regular targeted meetings.

7. TEKNOFEST Entrepreneurship Demonstration Day

Teams that progress in accordance with the program participate in TEKNOFEST Venture Demonstration Day and gain the right to open a booth and make a presentation at TEKNOFEST 2025.

  1. Entrepreneurship Trainings
  • As part of the program, acceleration training will provide comprehensive and strategic support to help entrepreneurs elevate their businesses to the next level. These trainings will cover topics such as financial planning, securing investments, team expansion, scaling strategies, entering global markets, and developing exit strategies. Participants will gain access to the necessary knowledge and tools to sustainably grow their ventures.
  1. Mentorship Support
  • The program will offer entrepreneurs access to a broad pool of mentors based on their specific needs. Our expert mentors provide support in areas such as technical knowledge, business development, finance, marketing, globalization, and more. Participants will be able to contact mentors in the areas they need and request one-on-one meetings throughout the program. The mentorship process will be led by the entrepreneurs, offering the opportunity to directly engage with suitable experts from the mentor pool. This flexible structure allows entrepreneurs to receive mentorship tailored to the specific needs of their projects.
  1. Office Support
  • Based on the needs of the ventures, periodic open and closed office usage options will be provided. These facilities will be subject to evaluation by the management of the T3 Foundation Entrepreneurship Center.

           Available Office Spaces:

                   -T3 Foundation Ünalan Central Building - T3 Entrepreneurship Center Floor
                   -Özdemir Bayraktar Prototyping Center - T3 Entrepreneurship Center Floor (ITU Ayazağa)
  • Entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to work in a professional business environment while developing their projects in these spaces.
  1. Prototyping Workshop Support
  • Based on the needs and requests of the ventures, selected ventures will have the opportunity to utilize the Özdemir Bayraktar Prototyping Center.
  1. Investment Support
  • Accelerated ventures that successfully complete the program will receive investment support of up to 800,000 TRY, convertible into equity, based on predefined criteria.
  • Success criteria will be evaluated based on participation rates in training and events, as well as the performance of the ventures within the scope of the program. The investment support will be subject to the terms set by the T3 Foundation for equity conversion. The Foundation will have the discretion to decide whether or not to exercise this right. This investment model aims to support the sustainable growth of ventures while offering flexibility in partnership structures.
  1. TEKNOFEST Entrepreneur Promotion Support
  • Ventures that demonstrate success, exhibit strong presentation skills, and are selected by the evaluation committee for graduation will have promotional videos created under the “TEKNOFEST Entrepreneur Stories” program. These videos will be shared across platforms. Additionally, professional promotional videos will be produced to support the promotion of the ventures’ products and businesses.
  1. TEKNOFEST Entrepreneur Show Day (Demoday) Participation Right
  • Ventures will have the opportunity to open a booth and present their projects at TEKNOFEST 2025.
  1. Take Off Entrepreneurship Summit Booth Participation Right
  • Entrepreneurs will be given the opportunity to open a booth at the Take Off international entrepreneurship summit held within the scope of TEKNOFEST.
  1. Auxiliary Services
  • A range of digital tools and software support will be provided to help entrepreneurs accelerate their growth, increase efficiency, and support their success. These services will assist ventures in improving their daily operations and becoming more effective in global markets.
  1. Investor Meetings
  • Entrepreneurs will be given the opportunity to meet with investors based on the training they received and their progress during the program. These meetings will allow entrepreneurs to professionally present their business models, growth plans, and investment strategies. Ventures that meet the specified criteria will have the chance to schedule one-on-one meetings with selected investors, present their projects, receive feedback, and explore potential investment opportunities. This process will help entrepreneurs better prepare for their investment journeys.
  1. Business Collaboration Meetings
  • As part of the program, entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to conduct B2B collaboration meetings with industry representatives and companies based on the verticals in which they operate. These meetings will help ventures develop potential business partnerships, expand their customer networks, and strengthen their position in the industry. Tailored to the specific needs of the ventures, these meetings will enable direct connections with the business world.

  • Since 2018, teams or team members at university level and above who have participated in the technology competitions organized within TEKNOFEST and have made it to the finals and established their initiative in this process can apply.
  • Applicants must meet the requirement of being a finalist in TEKNOFEST technology competitions.

Click here to review the DENEYAP Startup Program 2nd Term Guidelines.
• Applications will be accepted through KYS until March 1, 2025, at 23:59:59.
• Application Form: https://mth.tc/deneyapgirisim2donembasvuru
• For any inquiries, you can email girisim@turkiyeteknolojitakimi.org or call +90 212 501 94 34.

  • January 19, 2025 - Application Deadline
  • January 26-31, 2025 - Premliminary Assessment
  • February 4, 2025 - Announcement of Preliminary Evaluation Results
  • February 6-12, 2025 - Startup Presentation
  • February 18, 2025 - Announcement of Selected Startups
  • March 10, 2025 - TEKNOFEST Startup Program Period Start
  • September 2025 - TEKNOFEST İstanbul- Startup Demo Day (Demoday)
*This calendar has been prepared according to the planned dates and may be revised during the process. Updated information about possible date changes will be sent to you.